Hand Job: Portrait of a Hand Model Who’s George Costanza 2.0

Since yesterday was April Fools’ Day I’m inclined to believe this short documentary profile of a hand model is fake life… and it is. Goddamit. That’s twice. This is the second time I’ve been duped. I fell for this modern day wink/nudge/ode to Episode 2, Season 5 of Seinfeld titled, “The Puffy Shirt” in which George Costanza becomes a hand model…

I fell for the hoax until about the 4 minute mark. So, about halfway through this tongue-in-cheek profile, I pimp-smacked my own forehead. What gave it away? The actor. You couldn’t really do better casting him, but there were subtle betrayals that signaled the jig was up.

The other time I was tricked? This Back To the Future crossover movie trailer, which you can watch below:


Now, you’re gonna sit there and tell me you didn’t get excited? Even when it was revealed that Vin Diesel was behind the wheel and it would be yet another Fast and the Furious movie? When he came on screen, I immediately furrowed by brow and popped my head up like a prairie dog and looked around feverishly. Like, can anyone verify this? And after several long seconds of looking around and no one freaking out, it slowly set in. I got GOT.

But you really can’t blame me for falling for the crossover movie trailer. Back in December 2014, it was announced the next movie in the Jump Street and Men in Black franchises would be a crossover movie between the franchises. The Fast and Furious franchise has gotten so ridiculous with its stunts, why not send them back in time to Doc Brown? Vin Diesel vs. Biff? Michelle Rodriguez beating the piss out of sexual aggressors and possibly turning Marty’s mom? Yes.

Anyway, kudos to Vanity Fair and Universal for pulling my pants down and laughing and pointing while my face applies blush.