Trunk or Treat REEKS, The Hassle of Dracula’s Castle, Runnin’ on Pumpkin | Giant Mess S3 Ep32

In this “Giant Mess”, Halloweener Neal Lynch recaps his trick or treating sesh with his daughter and the ex, the struggle with pumpkin carving stencils, his foray into pumpkin pie baking, roasting pumpkin seeds, negative political ads, and more spooktacular topics.

Freaky Ouija Seance, Frankenstein Fashion, Fentanyl Candy from China | Giant Mess S3 Ep31

In this “Giant Mess”, divorced dad Neal Lynch recaps his trip to Block Island for a buddy’s birthday, which included odd fellows at a breakfast spot, fun times around the new fire pit, making thanksgiving turkey dinner with mashed potatoes and stuffing, summoning spirits with a Ouija board, standing ovations, and China’s master plan to conquer the USA. Plus, what if you were king or queen?

How The Sad Dad Pad Became a House of Horrors | Giant Mess S3 Ep28

In this Giant Mess, sick dad Neal Lynch talks about his apartment has become a house of horrors, getting pink eye for the millionth time, the thrill of a pig race, the steady dread of getting lost in a corn maze, the escalating cost of a pizza pie and chicken wings, plus a Hocus Pocus 2 review.

World’s Longest First Date Has Daddy Issues, Grindin’ Shorties, & 8-Balls | Giant Mess S3 Ep18

In this “Giant Mess”, divorced dad Neal Lynch recaps the most memorable first date he’s ever had, second ever back wax, a dangerous hot shave, and first time using Manscaped men’s grooming products.

Dating App Crap, Plus A Record-Breaking Target Shopping Spree FROM HELL | Giant Mess S3 E12

In this “Giant Mess”, notorious shopaholic & hopeless romantic Neal Lynch talks about matchmakers, the downside to dating apps, the toil and trouble of text messaging, and a record-breaking shopping spree at Target.